"LIVE in Toronto: Police attempt to block the path of anti-lockdown protestors, who simply walk around them" https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1350513187087638530
@verretor Looks like they weren't even trying. 😂
Figures that the most active thread I've seen on the fed so far has been about window managers: https://x0f.org/@orionwl/105566031658677587
@verretor @knarkzel @kekcoin @livestradamus @crunklord420 @cbaines @orionwl I used to use xmonad on a truly terrible Thinkpad X120e. 1.6GHz AMD E-350 baby!
Cute though.
@knarkzel @kekcoin @livestradamus @verretor @crunklord420 @cbaines @orionwl dwm is bloat, xmonad forever. 😂
@verretor @Hodlberry Probably a complex mix of officers/administrators who both do and don't care, as well as officers who do care but don't think it's important enough given all the other tasks they have. My guess is they have enough willing man power to stop small protests and other really blatant stuff. But not enough willing man power to do wide scale policing.
@verretor @Hodlberry Eating lunch in the park right now, by myself.
I am a radical lawbreaker.
@verretor @Hodlberry Eating lunch in the park right now, by myself.
I am a radical lawbreaker.
@orionwl @cbaines heh, that's a good point! I use more than that, because I often have logs running, and I really like being able to flip which window has focus. But it should be doable to add the key functionality of tiling window managers to gnome with sufficiently clever shortcuts...
Heck, how hard could it be to give gnome workspaces a preferred window layout option? AwesomeWM already does that basically.
@orionwl @cbaines Heh, I hate having to fiddle with windows sizes; awesomevm all the way. Works fine with qubes too: https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/awesome/
@verretor @nvk Physics/comp-sci explains that: there's no good way to build a large-scale mesh network. The *internet* is a large-scale mesh network, and it has severe scaling problems with global routing table size. It only works because the point-to-point connections at the backbone level can be made to have arbitrarily high bandwidth. The total number of backbone "nodes" (really routing entities) is limited.
"I think the
apps DDoS'ed the server. Servers ran over capacity due to influx of users and started to return HTTP 508 which was not handled by the app and millions of apps started retrying the connection at once. Judging from recent commits in https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android/commits/master" https://twitter.com/NovakDaniel/status/1350471722034745348
Easy failure mode to overlook.
RT @BadDogDesigns_
Just a few final checks.. and the #Turing machine is finally finished. Completed the control panel and mechanical status indicator, will put some clips up later. @tnmoc would love this!
#Computer #computing #Arduino #electronics #MachineLearning #EngineeringUK #maker
Doesn't work so well without context.
@NunyaBidness @verretor FWIW your advice is the government approved way of satisfying urges during lockdown.
@bryancyan @Genericblog it says a lot about Keybase that they even can ban that...
@JosuGZ @eiaine Some of the cities around Toronto would probably qualify. Brampton, Markham, Mississauga, etc. No-one really wants to live there, so rents aren't that bad, very high immigrant populations that aren't interested in SJW nonsense and are interested in raising kids, fair number of jobs available (the flight path near the airport has a lot of industry by Canadian standards), etc.
@nic When I do things, I like to go all in. 😂
@Christophermoawad Is there a disease that starving to death can't cure?
Oh, right, vampires and zombies...
@nvk "Here's exactly what you need to remember if one of our rogue officers harasses you"