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Peter Todd boosted

Italian doctors
RT @Antona2389
@mir_btc Translation: "I propose a collection to pay for Netflix subscription to unvaxed people, at least they'd have something to do starting aug 5 when they'll be in house arrest like rats".

Where do I remember this kind of attitude from? Some kind of moustache boy perhaps.

Peter Todd boosted
The vaccine passports that I've seen have ECDSA signatures but no public key in them. That means a central authority has to verify the signature.

In other words, every time someone scans your passport, the central authority knows where you were at that time.
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DNA pulled from thin air identifies nearby animals | Science | AAAS

So how long until this gets used to track people?

Highways England may have to reverse act of ‘cultural vandalism’ | Heritage | The Guardian

Gotta agree with the headline. Holy hell the infill looks ugly.

"It is pushing alongside HE’s stifling culture of risk aversion and lack of understanding of historical railway structures."

Risk aversion may actually be a really good explanation for how this happens. And probably related to the insanity we've seen around covid.

Peter Todd boosted

When WaPo Admits that Rand Paul is correct and Fauci is wrong, then you know the temperature of Hell is dropping as I type this post.

Peter Todd boosted

"U.S. border restrictions for Canada, Mexico renewed until Aug. 21"

Remember that these restrictions _only_ apply to the land borders. Air travel has been exempt from the essential travel restrictions the whole time; COVID-19 knows not to infect people rich enough to fly in.

It's just science.

Canadian veterans pay out of pocket to rescue their Afghan comrades ‘stranded’ in war zone: ‘It’s the right thing to do’ | The Star

"Due to the daily limits put on the amount each person can transfer, Rickards said the veterans had to solicit help from their families and friends to wire money."

I think we all know what fixes this...

Peter Todd boosted

@privacyint The time to oppose those measures is now. A pandemic is no excuse; if it is, you'll find out you're in a pandemic all the time.

Which is scientifically true: the flu is a yearly pandemic.

Peter Todd boosted

"You don't build all that tech to then easily shut it down the moment the WHO says it's no longer a pandemic."

Take a look at @AJEnglish 'Under the Cover of Covid' to hear from our Executive Director and others in the sector about the COVID-19 power grab

Peter Todd boosted
Peter Todd boosted
Peter Todd boosted

The Colon dollar?! It feels like there's a joke to be made about what kind of coin it will be...

Peter Todd boosted

(fwiw I just ignored her and didn't respond or try to take a photo - I was in a small business that just reopened so no reason to make trouble for them)

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LoL, just got harassed by a morbidly obese women wearing a "I'M FULLY VACCINATED" lanyard around her neck for not wearing a medical mask (I _was_ wearing a bandana, 100% legally).

I've had almost no mask-related harassment this whole pandemic. I wonder if covid fading into a non-issue will make nutters like her resort to more ridiculous stunts for attention?

Peter Todd boosted

Be wary of people trying to abuse language and connotations to shame, pressure and govt-coerce people into taking it.

Covidians who pinned the world's hopes on vaccines own the decision to shutdown. They don't get to pin their failure on other people.

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Peter Todd boosted

@Synclair jesus fuck.... they haven't even bothered to take the article down!!!!

choice quotes 2 seconds in:

"The prospect of Americans lined up like sheep to “take a needle” peddled by a fraud like Donald Trump"

". While most medical experts have already recoiled in horror at the idea of a vaccine strangely timed to come out by November 3rd, a good number of credulous Trump supporters would doubtlessly gladly bare their arms,"

Peter Todd boosted

60% were already double jabbed. So much for 'safe and effective'.

Remind us again why you want to mandate vaccination before people get their rights back again?

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