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‘Perhaps Lucy, a student midwife, summed it up best: “Throughout our training we are taught bodily autonomy and consent is vital. I’m not sure I want to be part of an organisation that will discard that”.’

Peter Todd boosted
I hope that they hang Google execs from fucking lamposts. I'm sure this is to protect me from harmful content and not to farm your fucking data.

"Never before in the history of the Federal Republic have there been demonstrations that are more widespread than in the last few weeks,” states the report, with the government counting 1,046 separate protests involving around 188,000 participants."

Fuck yeah!

"Full stop right here. Any public policy measure – from vaccine passports to discrimination – cannot be justified under the science, even if one’s conscience is OK with apartheid."

The #1 reason why they're pushing so hard to get everyone to get vaxxed is probably to make data like this go away by getting rid of the control group.

"The ‘healthy vaccinee’ effect turned up again in a study published in Science ... survival rates among over 65s were higher among vaccinated individuals who tested positive than among unvaccinated individuals who tested negative"

"Mach-E Thermal System Nightmare"

Really interesting point made in this video: inefficient plumbing is heavy not just because of the weight of the pipes. But also because the fluids inside the pipes are heavy!

Peter Todd boosted

If you use Signal, maybe you want to consider this: I got banned by Moxie asking very politely a question of the full Signal business model, including the token, in five minutes.

““Do we need some sort of, almost, qualification, licensing, education for men to go out into the social sphere?”

He added: “People would say, is that an impingement on our rights of free movement? And we’ve obviously all been through this through Covid.””

Allowing your rights to be taken away for "emergencies" gives them ammo to take them away again.

"Pianoteq is an award-winning virtual instrument which you can install on your computer (PC/Mac). It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and will even run on some ARM-based boards such as the Raspberry Pi. It can be used both in standalone mode and as an instrument plug-in in VST, AAX, and AudioUnits hosts."

TFW you run into a random product with Linux support.

The crazies are now trying to tie rejection of zero covid to eugenics:

"The solution cannot be that everyone has to get COVID. That is eugenics because many disabled high risk people will die ... Do not buy into this eugenic thinking that expects the most vulnerable to be sacrificed."

Tough. Sometimes life sucks. We're not sacrificing everyone else in a hopeless attempt at protecting you.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!