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"'Relax, we are double vaxxed': Hundreds of Dalhousie students attend street party"

Fucking anti-vaxxers. 😂

UberEATS needs to work on their pharmacy prescription delivery screen...

I'm actually a bit surprised that action against the store clerks and restaurant staff enforcing this nonsense isn't more common. While killing people isn't likely to be good politics, lesser actions like pepper spray that make staff afraid to ask (esp re: checking green passes) will likely be effective at making the mandates toothless.

They don't have enough police to protect everyone.

Ben Kaufman now has a substack.

...and only fuck did he dig up some public health insanity.

Half-decent BBC article explaining why only 1st doses are being offered to children:

But even then, remember that the difference in risk from covid between unhealthy and healthy is about 10x or so; vax side effects aren't as they're your immune system. So those numbers indicate that for healthy children, it's likely that vaccine induced heart problems alone are worse than covid. And of course, that's not the only side effect.

By reneging on his promise that covid vaccination won't be mandatory the game theory that Biden is setting up is next time there's a new vaccine, you _really_ should not get it to be part of the resistance to ensure it doesn't become mandatory later.

A sad day for public health. Vaccines should be a medical decision. Not a political decision.


It's perfectly legal for anyone to do the route. Heck, I was by myself and simply rented the equipment from a local shop for 35 CHF. They just asked what my previous experience was. No big deal.

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Did a via ferrata today. The scariest part was a traverse across the side of a cliff. I'm good with heights. But with 600m (!) of nothing under me, I was frankly kinda scared and shaking a bit.

But objectively, that was very safe. Climbing gear works. The _actual_ most dangerous part was these innocent looking steps. Why? Because they're held in place by rebar stakes that could impale you if you tripped.

Your monkey brain is shit at assessing risk in a modern society. Think logically.

If you're gonna specify kilometers to three decimal points, why not just say meters?

A human lifetime time sheet in weeks.

Now fill out your local lockdown.

Dumb take: the US Air Force depends on the exact same contractors themselves.

Arrivals at Zurich airport does however have this going for it.

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Looks like you get this useless message automatically via SMS when entering Switzerland. It applies to no-one right now as no countries are on that list.

I spent a bit over a week in Italy, and got asked for a green pass (Italy's vax passport) in three types of locations: McDonald's, Starbucks, and the dining are at Rome airport.

The latter was particularly funny as you're still allowed to eat without one. You just have to stand up at tables provided for that purpose, located in tbe same area.

In all three cases the staff said _only_ green pass was accepted. _Not_ proof of vaccination from non-EU countries. Which is supposed to be accepted!

"The [fake] app passes no information to government"

Sounds like a feature!

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