
I'm actually a bit surprised that action against the store clerks and restaurant staff enforcing this nonsense isn't more common. While killing people isn't likely to be good politics, lesser actions like pepper spray that make staff afraid to ask (esp re: checking green passes) will likely be effective at making the mandates toothless.

They don't have enough police to protect everyone.

>They don't have enough police to protect everyone.
This is why we shouldn't make it harder on them, when they have actual murderers out there to catch, like this incident. I do like the idea, but we need to make the distinction that it is only effective if the cops are enforcing the bullshit mandates. That's the only time when wasting their resources is a good thing, and even then, arguably not; the goal is to convince them to stop, but if they just prioritise it then it's just making things worse.

@Zerglingman Point is the game theory of this is that staff will stop enforcing it. The next step is either to divert a lot of police forces to protecting those staff (not likely to happen), give up (likely), or at least for vax passports, changing to a strategy of forcing the entire population to get vaxxed directly. The latter is actually an improvement arguably as it removes the privacy concerns of vax passports.

@pete Mmm. Stores will continue to enforce it so long as they believe the police will back them up. Hence, stopping them depends (almost) entirely on stopping the police.

Also reminder that if vaccines are effective, vaccine passports are useless, and if they're not effective, vaccine passports are useless.

@Zerglingman No, the police have very limited abilities to protect staff. They can investigate after the fact. But catching acts of random violence is hard. Especially when it's opposition to vax passports, done while wearing masks...

@Zerglingman Vaccine passports aren't being imposed for health reasons; how effective they are is irrelevant.

@Zerglingman I suspect the reason this isn't happening is the people against mask nonsense and vax passports tend to be the saner, calmer, parts of society. Compare that to antifa, who are happy to use violence...

@pete That combined with the heavy gaslight-style messaging to invert those...

@pete @Zerglingman
that’s something I’ve been thinking.
Actual forced injections might be an improvement.
It will demand lots of resources and be unpopular, so it’s unlikely to be something continued.

It doesn’t turn all private businesses into enforcement arms.

It’s a violent human rights violation— but not a building block of tech-enabled totalitarianism

@lucash_dev @Zerglingman The very rare previous forced vaccination efforts in US history - which date back to small pox, segregation, and eugenics - were all mandates on people rather than passes. And people who refused were just fined in the end.

@pete @Zerglingman
there was “vaccine revolt” in Brazil a hundred years ago.
There was a bit of fighting, but in the end the government just fined people.
And I think most never paid the fines.

The thing that scares me most is if they remove kids from parents for failing to vaccinate.

The Zeitgeist is so anti-parenthood people might actually cheer it.

@pete yikes. How about just not shopping at stores that enforce the rules instead of assaulting people.

@harding @pete > not shopping at stores that enforce the rules
> living in germany and want to eat

times are tough

@skells @pete take a nice aftermoon drive in the country to buy from a farmer directly or to go across a border. Buy lots of nonperishables so you din't need to do it often.

@harding @pete sure, always workarounds

Germany =/= US though and not everyone has the time to piss around

killing someone is a real roundabout way to get hot meals though

@harding You know in Italy you need a green pass to pick up your kids from school.

@benis @harding Lots of schools require you to enter. Also, you need to enter to sign up your kid, among many other things.

@pete @benis @harding Most schools also require you to wear clothes when you enter. Do you also recommend people to employ pepper spray to defend themselves against such mandates?

@kekcoin @benis @harding Clothes don't cause myocarditis. And of course, people _have_ fought hard to wear what they want in public, even as employees of schools.

@pete @benis @harding And neither does seeing a naked person. Point not so much being to try to quantify what is a worse tradeoff, more the point that maybe don't promote violence.

@kekcoin @benis @harding Yeah, you've got that logic backwards. There's a lower bar to mandating clothing be worn due to the lack of risk to the wearer than to mandating people get risky injections with no long term testing. And _even with regard to public nudity_ people have fought that and won.

@kekcoin @benis @harding Note that in Canada the section of the criminal code on public nudity actually requires any prosecutions to get the consent of the Attorney General first. This is specifically because the law is recognized to be dubious and the legal system wants top-level review before it gets used.

Really good chance that in your hypothetical you don't actually get charged with public nudity.

@pete @benis @harding I'd love to see you prove that last point.

And to clear up any confusion - I am not arguing in favour of vaccine mandates. Just that murdering (or pepperspraying) random clerks doesn't actually hurt the people who made the vaccine mandatory.

@pete Of course, the problem is not mindless immigration policies, but "radical right-wingers".
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