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Peter Todd boosted

This study is popping up in a lot of press right now. But what it actually says isn't that weight loss is not important. Rather, it says that the typical result of trying to lose weight with dieting is weight cycling, which is more harmful than not losing that weight in the first place. So better to focus on exercise, which has less downsides.

It's also unclear to me if they're able to fully account for the fact that people unable to exercise are probably less healthy.

"during the summer"

Right when people were getting second doses... And the article specifically says doctors do not think covid or delayed care is the cause.

“Sun Yuan and Peng Yu: Can’t Help Myself”

This would have been so much better if the robot moved more efficiently; even a panicking robot shouldn't be flailing about.


tl;dr: one of the HCQ trials use folate tablets as the placebo... Which is a real WTF: why would you use something that potentially has a benefit rather than a true placebo with no active ingredients? Purpose-made placebo tablets are widely available.

COVIDSafe: Australia’s digital contact tracing failure

Interesting read. But frankly, the real lesson to be learned here is these systems are evil. This researchers should have never helped the government make them better. By doing so they just enabled the next result: even worse, mandatory, contact tracing schemes not protected by privacy legislation.

"'Relax, we are double vaxxed': Hundreds of Dalhousie students attend street party"

Fucking anti-vaxxers. 😂

Peter Todd boosted

Results of the MC, AZ Audit 

• 34,448 duplicates
• None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.
• There appears to be many 27, 807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
• Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
• Ballot images 284,412 on the EMS corrupt or missing.
• Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 Election had been fully cleared.
• On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, originals were duplicated more than once, and the Auditors were never provided Chain-of Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the Auditors’ care.
• Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA© 2021 Cyber Ninjas Page 2 of 4
• Software and patch protocols were not followed
• Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated
• Lack of baseline for host and network activity for approved programs, communications protocols and communications devices for voting systems
• Canvass showed over 3,400 more ballots were casted than recorded
• Over 9,000 more mail-in ballots were received and recorded than the official number of mail-in ballots sent out by the county
• Approximately 2,500 ballots were shown in the early vote returns that do not have a voter listed as casting them.
• Over 255,000 early votes shown in the county final vote file that do not have a corresponding entry in the early voting returns file
• Over 23,000 voted by mail after moving after the October 5th cutoff
• 2,382 voters casted votes in Maricopa county, in person, after moving out of the county

Watch "Different Governments all Ordering the Same Pizza | Foil Arms and Hog" on YouTube

Libertarian: why don't people order their own dinner?

"Participants in the MMR group, compared with those in the placebo group, had a 48% risk reduction in symptomatic COVID–19 (RR = 0.52; 95% CI: 0.33-0.83; p=0.004) and a 76% risk reduction in COVID–19 treatment"

Coincidentally, I happened to get a MMR shot in March 2020... This could go a long way to explain differences in covid rates/deaths between countries. Wouldn't be the first time MMR vaccines turned out to have "off-target" effects too.

Peter Todd boosted

Rational pro-vaxers,

Please convince me the 10/10,000 myocarditis rate is wrong and a gross exaggeration.

I would love to learn it is actually very safe — even if I don’t take it I want my friends and family to be healthy!

There must be *some* rational explanation behind people just saying “safe and effective” and calling me names.

There *must* be someone capable of a rational conversation.

Peter Todd boosted

RT @CoinDesk
SCOOP: @chainalysis has been secretly operating a bitcoin block explorer site,, and scraping certain visitors' IP addresses to find leads for law enforcement clients, leaked documents show.

@realDannyNelson reports

UberEATS needs to work on their pharmacy prescription delivery screen...

Peter Todd boosted
how about they must a vaccination card a voter id

I'm actually a bit surprised that action against the store clerks and restaurant staff enforcing this nonsense isn't more common. While killing people isn't likely to be good politics, lesser actions like pepper spray that make staff afraid to ask (esp re: checking green passes) will likely be effective at making the mandates toothless.

They don't have enough police to protect everyone.

Excellent writeup on how modern life actually reduced the impacts of infectious disease, because our immune systems work.

Not surprising: we're much better at treatment. And the density of modern life means you get exposed early to lots of pathogens, giving robust immunity later.

"Research shows that it's not uncommon for motorcycle helmets to have carbon dioxide levels that are that high."

Now do masks. 😂

Peter Todd boosted

Heads up: The White House just added MEASLES to the list of infections that can be used to medically kidnap you and take you to a quarantine death camp.

Suddenly measles is their new weapon to target their political enemies for death camps. Wow.

Peter Todd boosted
maybe I should finally leave facebook, if they pass this.

> The consultation proposes mandatory, automatic reporting of every single removed post directly to CSIS and the RCMP
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