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"Participants in the MMR group, compared with those in the placebo group, had a 48% risk reduction in symptomatic COVID–19 (RR = 0.52; 95% CI: 0.33-0.83; p=0.004) and a 76% risk reduction in COVID–19 treatment"

Coincidentally, I happened to get a MMR shot in March 2020... This could go a long way to explain differences in covid rates/deaths between countries. Wouldn't be the first time MMR vaccines turned out to have "off-target" effects too.

Peter Todd boosted

Rational pro-vaxers,

Please convince me the 10/10,000 myocarditis rate is wrong and a gross exaggeration.

I would love to learn it is actually very safe — even if I don’t take it I want my friends and family to be healthy!

There must be *some* rational explanation behind people just saying “safe and effective” and calling me names.

There *must* be someone capable of a rational conversation.

Peter Todd boosted

RT @CoinDesk
SCOOP: @chainalysis has been secretly operating a bitcoin block explorer site,, and scraping certain visitors' IP addresses to find leads for law enforcement clients, leaked documents show.

@realDannyNelson reports

UberEATS needs to work on their pharmacy prescription delivery screen...

Peter Todd boosted

I'm actually a bit surprised that action against the store clerks and restaurant staff enforcing this nonsense isn't more common. While killing people isn't likely to be good politics, lesser actions like pepper spray that make staff afraid to ask (esp re: checking green passes) will likely be effective at making the mandates toothless.

They don't have enough police to protect everyone.

Excellent writeup on how modern life actually reduced the impacts of infectious disease, because our immune systems work.

Not surprising: we're much better at treatment. And the density of modern life means you get exposed early to lots of pathogens, giving robust immunity later.

"Research shows that it's not uncommon for motorcycle helmets to have carbon dioxide levels that are that high."

Now do masks. 😂

Peter Todd boosted

Heads up: The White House just added MEASLES to the list of infections that can be used to medically kidnap you and take you to a quarantine death camp.

Suddenly measles is their new weapon to target their political enemies for death camps. Wow.

Peter Todd boosted
maybe I should finally leave facebook, if they pass this.

> The consultation proposes mandatory, automatic reporting of every single removed post directly to CSIS and the RCMP

Great view of how hammers is played too. Notice how his left thumb is tapping out notes that don't actually exist to keep time.

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"The Elephantine Granite Monolith"

_Really_ funny listening to this guy imply that the granite is cut too precisely and too flat to have been done by hand by the Egyptians.

Every decent machinist knows that the root of mechanical accuracy is the granite surface plate. Which famously you can make by hand with absolutely no tools via the three surface method. Takes a lot of time. But conceptually it's really simple.

If I understand this correctly, France's parliament is debating mandatory vaccination. As in, everyone is forced to get vaccinated. No exceptions.

Ben Kaufman now has a substack.

...and only fuck did he dig up some public health insanity.

"Schedules will be adjusted to avoid sending those who aren’t vaccinated to destinations where they’ll fail to meet entry requirements, and managers won’t be told why workers are being kept off of certain flights."

Impressive. I should fly KLM more often.

"[T]hat sounds like a big number. But when you take account of the number of pupils, it works out to 41 days [of lost school] per thousand pupils or just 15 minutes per child."

"To put that into context, if the government had ended the schools’ lockdown just a day earlier back in March, children would have got a benefit 25 times more than that estimated from vaccinating over one million 12 to 15-year-olds."

...and that's the UK government's own estimate! WTF.

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