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Peter Todd boosted


hey all, i built both the vaccum TEP of shiftcrypto and the entropyseal.
apologies we have not yet published a video that clarifies some of the assumptions discussed here.

@giszmo - freezing attack is indeed not easily doable thanks to the protrusions, which we call pins, locking the entire system if the particles are frozen.

@giszmo - not friction makes cap insert rotate against the cap. there are teeth, actually heavy duty teeth that prevent from twisting the jar open without opening the particle insert into a loose state forcefully.

@kekcoin - slow and careful will still disturb the pattern due to pins inside cap and also from the other side of the insert. upside down opening does also not do the trick.

@jgettbtc - the design is foreseen in transparent polycarbonate, the locked particles should survive a simple drop easily. after all the design is made to be shipped internationally in locked state. thick tempered glass would be an option for the jar but would increase cost a bit.

- love the idea of russian doll style. tough that would need two initial sizes and injection mold tooling is quite a cost factor.

- the vacuum tep's main security was not the bag but the problem to pull away the velcro particle pouch from the container without disturbing the pattern.

i gladly answer any further arising questions, also via

The economy is doing so badly one of the payday loans places near me has gone out of business.

No paydays, no loans.

Israel's test positivity rate is going up, while their testing rate is going down... Sweden's testing rate is fairly steady, and their positivity rate is going down.

Fact is, Israel's drop in cases/deaths might not even be real. I could certainly see people being in denial about the fact that they've gotten covid after getting vaccinated.

Makes you wonder how many people tested positive after getting vaccinated, and then got another test to confirm that they really were infected.

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Israel's covid cases and deaths are just beginning to decline a bit, after vaccinating 54% of the population (30% two weeks ago), and after having been in strict lockdown since _September_. Israeli flu season usually peaks between December and February, and weather right now is perfect for fighting flu.

Meanwhile, Sweden's cases and deaths have been falling since late December, having had hardly any lockdown (or even voluntary measures) the whole time, and Sweden is freezing and dark right now.

Peter Todd boosted

In #English there is the expression of something being a "double-edged sword".

In #Dutch we have almost the same expression - "het mes snijdt aan beide kanten".

The meaning is almost opposite, however: the Dutch expression means "this has 2 distinct advantages", like a win-win scenario or killing two birds with one stone. The English expression means "this has both advantages and disadvantages". #linguistics

Peter Todd boosted

Bitcoin hodlers have another instance to join here.

Boost / repost this to reach more potential users and keep the fediverse distributed.

This instance is Pleroma with Soapbox. The web UI is pleasant and has a great one on one messenger that you won’t find on Mastodon. You can also use apps compatible with Mastodon and Pleroma.

Onion service available: 4jqv7gntqtwjqijamez7ikrioy7sezgeghr4idjtvhnwvn4ehdxryxad.onion


'A new study is the first to confirm a highly controversial theory: that some vaccines could allow more virulent version of a virus to survive, putting unvaccinated individuals at greater risk of severe illness.'

The mRNA vaccines probably fit this definition, because they cause your body to produce one very specific covid part: an imperfect version of the spike protein. And on top of that, lockdown has the same effect.

Peter Todd boosted

Great pod with @pete on Swan Signal, talking about the other side in the block size debate all scammers. No one non-scamming & technically inclined were on that side.

Direct link with timestamp:

Overdose deaths are so high that Toronto Public Health is telling drug users to violate lockdown, for safety:

"Try not to use alone. Use with someone else and take turns spotting for each other.Wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from people you are using with to avoid passing the virus. A buddy system is safer than using alone"

Lockdowns kill.

Peter Todd boosted

I was looking at old old innernet posts, and I found the most terrifying one sentence story ever

"It's 3 AM. An official phone alert wakes you up. It says "DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON". You have hundreds of notifications. Hundreds of random numbers are sending "It's a beautiful night tonight. Look outside.""

Peter Todd boosted

Mostly peaceful terrorist nominated for the Nobel peace prize 🤡 🌎

Peter Todd boosted
Peter Todd boosted

Google has suspended Element (@matrix) from the Play Store for "Sexual Content and Profanity". Basically same story as with Subway Tooter a while back. Element is to Matrix as Chrome is to the web. Curiously, Chrome is still on the Play Store.

Peter Todd boosted

Great example of the theoretically infinite losses possible with short selling: in just one month, GameStop short sellers have lost $19.75 billion dollars, on a $1.23 billion market cap.

Of course, the market cap right now is exactly $21.2 billion...

Peter Todd boosted

@harding @pete I use the Scrambled EXIF app to do this on my phone on the fly. Super easy.

When sharing a photo, first share to the app, then share opens again and choose wherever you wanted to originally share it to and the exif data is gone. It's FOSS and available on F-Droid too.

Peter Todd boosted

@pete I liked your idea from a few years ago for sharing photos originally taken using a phone or digital camera: instead of uploading the photo directly, take a screenshot of it first to firewall the metadata. I started doing that, and it not only makes me feel more comfortable sharing random recent photos of geese from a park near where I live, but it also makes it easier for me to crop the image by only capturing part of it, or scale it by just zooming in/out using my favorite image viewer.

"Wow it's really true. The European Commission's "redacted" copy of the AstraZeneca-EU vaccine contract is not redacted at all because you can just see everything in the bookmarks bar on the left."

Note how in my defamation lawsuit, Daniel J. Bernstein went to the trouble of printing out his declaration, then scanning it back in, to ensure the PDF didn't leak anything.

...someone else screwed that up so badly that ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛. 😂

"2 Canada Post workers in Regina suspended after refusing to deliver Epoch Times"

Pre-internet communication monopolies were legally prohibited from censoring. Canada Post has no choice here.

Should you wear three masks? Or even four?

I personally wear an infinite number of masks. However, each mask has half the filtration of the one before it...

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!