@kekcoin I could dig it up. But more importantly, the young population that has received that vax has tended to be mainly women due to vaccinating healthcare workers, so it's equally plausible there is no link. I just brought it up to refute her sexism theory, not because I believed the link was likely.
@lonelyllama @kekcoin @wikifarms It looks like the extra risk of death from birth control is another 1 in 100,000 on average. Definitely worth discussing risks and benefits on.
@121 @lonelyllama Blank vaccination record forms should be available to anyone who wants one.
@121 @lonelyllama Why is that ridiculous? The purpose of that form is to record your medical history for _your_ benefit. Eg, knowing when you should get your next shot. There is absolutely no reason why it needs any security at all.
I've got an Ontario Vaccination Record myself with a half dozen vaccinations on it. It too, is just a piece of paper. It's for my benefit, to help remember what I'm up to date on.
My Wisdom: fatten up your money with a diet of industrially farmed soy pellets and antibiotics.
@lonelyllama Hmm? The size discourages people from carrying their vaccination cards. That's a good thing that has nothing to do with how easy they are to forge.
@nvk Ethereum is in the future.
Gee, why would the WHO and other health authorities ignore the science of aerosols?
Maybe because it shows very, very, clearly that disease transmission is heavily weather dependent? Which just might suggest that our lockdowns - at a cost of literally trillions of dollars and millions of lives - might not have done much?
Public health has become a scam.
@drgo NTP usually does that. Depends on how you set it up though.
@drgo It might not match your grep terms. Try actually reading the dmesg output. :)
@drgo Yeah, see if intentionally changing the clock does it.
@drgo also, have you tested this hypothesis by intentionally setting your clock incorrectly?
@drgo Does dmesg shoe anything?
@drgo a skewed clock shouldn't do that. What's in the debug.log?