Me: <posts article on astra zeneca blood clots>

Her: <rants about how media is sexist and giving far more coverage to that than blood clots following hormonal birth control because the misogynistic media etc etc oh and btw I feel personally attacked because you said I need to go outside my filter bubble>

Me: <points out the media is reporting that the astra zeneca blood clots are happening almost entirely in women, and some scientists suspect hormonal birth control may be involved>

Her: 👍

@lonelyllama @kekcoin @pete well yes the contraceptive pill always increases the risk of having blood clots but they remain very rare :-)
@wikifarms @kekcoin @pete You literally get papers with birth control say there's a risk in the BC pill package and most OBGYNs ask about history ('did you parents / grandparents die due to x').

@lonelyllama @kekcoin @wikifarms It looks like the extra risk of death from birth control is another 1 in 100,000 on average. Definitely worth discussing risks and benefits on.

@pete @kekcoin @wikifarms I've been on like three types man, most don't help with acne / cramp pains, the only benefit of using BC is 'it's better than being pregnant'.
@lonelyllama @pete @kekcoin true in your case of you say so but don't generalise. The OCP or "BC" as you call it has other benefits apart from not getting pregnant

here is a manual on how to fix women:

oh dearie me it's 200 usd without shipping :-/ har har "my interwebs I get it from the website with the pdfs" yes well here's the thing, when it's 1500 pages long and you need a few others on the table because you are flipping through many and after you have to know things because there is an actual naked woman with the open poonia and you have to quickly tell her if it's ok you can't have a bunch of pdfs on one computer

*so* this all means say "the only benefit for me" and qualify it's just for you because it's not you fixing them when they get bad advice from the interwebs

I have heard "the pill doesn't work" so I asked why, are you pregnant, she said "it keeps getting out" so I said no, you have to drink it not stuff it in the pooseenia she said oh wow nobody told me

so ok maybe too harsh on you but don't really generalise I know many for whom the OCP has lots of benefits

@wikifarms @lonelyllama @pete That's a lot of words for someone who fails to list even a single advantage besides not getting pregante

@kekcoin @lonelyllama @pete pay for advice then you get good one

here is an example you baboon depending on the OCP it can suppress the period and that can be useful if the woman say is sailing or is in the jungle for a holiday

go to the doctor give $ then you will know. Or maybe study 12 years to find out. Ah no you can't, because you are a baboon. A faggot baboon, the baboon who is the collective wife of the other baboons. Probably also the niggerest baboon of the troop.

@wikifarms @lonelyllama @pete You're the internet equivalent of someone who comes up with a bucket and a wiper and starts cleaning windscreens of people waiting at a traffic light and then demands payment. And the bucket is full of sewage.

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