One layer: 50%
Two layers: 75%
Three layers: 90%
Plastic bag: 100%

Don't kill grandma. Make the right choice.

@pete wait, wouldn't a plastic bag be really likely to kill grandma

@orionwl You don't wear the plastic bag to protect yourself. You wear the plastic bag to protect others.


@max_1337 @orionwl It's a scientific miracle. Smartest virus ever.

God help us though if it turns against us...

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@pete @max_1337
can we normalize wearing space suits on Earth just in case already

@pete @max_1337
you're literally no longer allowed to go outside at night here in the Netherlands, because, the virus, terrible and evil as it is, likes to spread in the dark

@orionwl @max_1337 You'd think they've have found a better cover story than some stupid virus for the emergence of vampires.

@pete @max_1337
new WHO update incoming
"crosses don't work"
"garlic doesn't work"
"wooden stakes don't work"

@orionwl @max_1337 I mean, lots of people tried to tell us sunlight doesn't work... even after telling us for literally decades that almost everyone is Vitamin D deficient.

@pete @orionwl @max_1337 wait really? I thought it was common knowledge that the uv rays from the sun obliterate the virus. Part of why it's a seasonal thing.

@orionwl @max_1337 Having curfews apply to homeless people, forcing them into overcrowded shelters that we *know* are hotbeds of disease rather than being safely isolated outdoors, is another great example of "WTF were you actually trying to accomplish here?"

@pete @max_1337 homeless people are an official exception here (don't know how they'd prove it though, fairly sure police will still give them big trouble if they're unlucky)

@orionwl @pete @max_1337 same here, the virus preys on people outside after 6 pm...

one year into this thing and I still don’t know anyone (or anyone who knows anyone) who experienced more than minor symptoms in this coastal beach town with 45% retirees, I guess we are living in a bubble compared to the national news...what is virtual and what is real...

@jon @orionwl @max_1337 The fact is even in the at risk crowd covid infections just aren't a life sentence. Likely 95% survival for >70 year olds. Likely better as audits of death certificates have repeatedly found evidence that significant %'s of people are being reported as covid deaths when covid just wasn't the main cause of their deaths. It's just a fact that hospitals in many places have financial incentives to overstate.

@jon @orionwl @max_1337 We really need people to be facing criminal fraud charges for this nonsense. The difference between 99% survival and 99.9% is very significant for society. Lying about things like that to pad your own pockets is evil.

If we don't, it will happen again. And it has happened before: H1N1 turned out to be overhyped.

@midnightmagic @orionwl @pete @max_1337 I still haven't heard a viable argument in favour of curfews. Only corner cases that essentially boil down to being penny-wise and pound-foolish.

@kekcoin @midnightmagic @orionwl @pete @max_1337 we’re in curfews since the end of the 2nd national lockdown and now it looks like we’ll go right back into a 3rd national lockdown

@jon @midnightmagic @orionwl @pete @max_1337 I think you might have mentioned it before but the full text search function is disabled on this instance and I cba to check - where do you live?

@jon @midnightmagic @orionwl @pete @max_1337 Fair. Was just curious what nation that "national lockdown" referred to :)

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