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EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer Trial Whistleblower Presses Forward With Lawsuit Without US Government’s Help

This is the lawsuit the British Medical Journal reported on, and complained about censorship of.

"I Wish You Could Talk"

The perfect song for babies, cats, dogs, plants, lamps, pants, and elephants.

Monsters are real. They closed schools for two years in Uganda, over nothing.

OH: "We should breed birds to sing IDM."

Rather than call it "Web 3.0", we should call it "Web π" because "Web π" protocols are always irrational.

‘Perhaps Lucy, a student midwife, summed it up best: “Throughout our training we are taught bodily autonomy and consent is vital. I’m not sure I want to be part of an organisation that will discard that”.’

Peter Todd boosted
I hope that they hang Google execs from fucking lamposts. I'm sure this is to protect me from harmful content and not to farm your fucking data.

"Never before in the history of the Federal Republic have there been demonstrations that are more widespread than in the last few weeks,” states the report, with the government counting 1,046 separate protests involving around 188,000 participants."

Fuck yeah!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!