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Peter Todd boosted
Nintendo, arguably one of the most prolific and relevant producers of art in our time, is headquartered in a grey cube.
Peter Todd boosted

The lockdown/covid hysteria started here exactly one year ago.

Hopefully it won't end up being three shitty birthdays in a row...

Peter Todd boosted

It's really special to live in the only retarded place in North America that has a curfew.

"This is much lower than would be expected to occur naturally in a general population of this size and is similar across other licensed COVID-19 vaccines."

Lol. Unless by some miracle AstraZeneca also prevents pulmonary embolisms and thrombosis, that means doctors aren't reporting the vast majority of potential side effects following vaccination.

Without data, you have no idea how safe it is. What a fuck up.

Peter Todd boosted

Fra 5 minuti su CLUBHOUSE

In cafè #bitcoin

Preparate le vostre domande.
Ogni domanda è la benvenuta se Bitcoin only :)

Peter Todd boosted

"German e2e encrypted email provider Tutanota has been ordered by a regional court to develop a function that allows it to monitor an individual account."


Good interview on all the difficulties of actually shipping a safe vaccine on a tight deadline:

Peter Todd boosted

On Monday 15/03 the UK Parliament will debate #VaccinePassports.

Proposals for their multiple domestic and international uses must be challenged given the serious human rights concerns they raise #discrimination #exclusion #surveillance...

Peter Todd boosted

Here is how to contact TX gov Abbot about his position on Gab and anti-semitism:

Following is what I sent to Abbot:

I believe that you are highly misinformed when you say that Gab is an anti-semitic platform.

I urge you to rescind your public statement on that subject. Your position on Big Tech censorship should allow you to realize your mistake.

Texans do not need a nanny state when it comes to speech and social media platforms.

Freedom of speech is being threatened. Freedom of speech means that you can fully discuss any subject, and choose to ignore any comments that might be considered offensive by some.

Our civilization can only evolve positively if freedom of speech is fully protected. If you cannot fully protect freedom of speech, you are not doing a good job for Texans and for civilization in general.

A good leader in these times will do the following:

Remind the People that they truly hold the power and that you are just a temporary servant of the People
Put all of your efforts into serving the people, without regard to its impact on the next election for governor
Protect and preserve ALL of the God-given rights of the People
Dedicate your efforts to asserting state’s rights by teaming with other states to nullify any federal regulations that attempt to reduce the rights and freedoms of the People, and to reduce the power in the federal government by reclaiming that power to the states

Your position on mask mandates demonstrated that you are controlled by globalist interests. That is not a good look for you, or for Texas.

Do your job. There are millions of People willing, and able, to step in and do your job correctly.

Peter Todd boosted
wew Electrum's cancel-by-double-spend feature saved me some effort and pain. I sent way more BTC to an account than I intended.

Italy has opened a manslaughter investigation into the multiple recent deaths following AstraZeneca vaccinations, all from the same batch:

Official suspects include the nurses that administered it. Which does seems a bit over-the-top - much more likely to be a problem with that batch.

Peter Todd boosted

How much time is saved by moving to Daylight Savings Time? Check out this map for the answer!

Peter Todd boosted

Fascinating explanation of why Bill Gates might be buying up farmland: tax changes from Biden may force family farms to sell:

Danish study finding that Long-Term Care Facility residents temporarily had a 40% _higher_ rate of infection after the first dose, with the 95% CI ruling out any 1st dose benefit at all. Same as the UK and Israel have found.

A week after second dose, overall effectiveness in LTCF residents was just 64%

Sounds like the failure of the flu vaccine all over again...

Peter Todd boosted

So here's some post-mortem, I think an event like this needs some examination.

First, huge thanks to @undeath for not only reading his logs, but actually switching his brain on and noticing this; as he expressed himself, it's pretty surprising that no one else noticed since it went into a release in August last year.

Second, a big apology from me for introducing the bug. I guess I'll start by explaining what I remember about that code edit.


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Peter Todd boosted

Just released 0.8.2 of Joinmarket. This is to be considered an urgent privacy bugfix for takers; see the release notes for details:

I'll write more about this bug and what happened, shortly.

#joinmarket #bitcoin

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