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"Isn't he intentionally bleeding this out to distract from the nursing home deaths?"

Peter Todd boosted

@lupyuen Arguably a good thing for Bitcoin, as it pushes mining in China underground, making the remaining mining less subject to government control because it's being done secretly.

@lupyuen Arguably a good thing for Bitcoin, as it pushes mining in China underground, making the remaining mining less subject to government control because it's being done secretly.

@JuergenStrobel @lukedashjr I do use sparse files with btrfs regularly because I use it for Qubes: the VM's disk images are stored as sparse files. But my overall usage patterns are probably relatively benign as other than write once media all my data easily fits into cache (my desktop has 64GiB, and my laptop, 32GiB).

That actually helps with fragmentation these days due to delayed allocation: where data is written to disk is chosen just prior to flushing.

@JuergenStrobel @lukedashjr IIUC btrfs uses less memory than zfs because of those design differences... Which in turn would mean that some usage patterns could probably defeat those optimizations.

The slowest thing I do on a regular basis with btrfs is send/recv snapshots of my Monero node. Monero seems to make it's block database very fragmented due to heavy use of sparseness.

@lukedashjr That might be it then. I don't keep more than a few dozen snapshots.

@lukedashjr What hardware setup? Any unusual usage patterns? Use of snapshots heavily?

All the performance sensitive stuff I use it for is on ssd's; I use it on backup drives too. But if they had latency spikes I'd never notice.

@lukedashjr How long ago was that?

Many years ago there were performance issues like that. But they seem to have been fixed.

@lukedashjr I've used it on most of my machines for years, both with and without RAID1. Never had any issues. And it's checksums have saved me from failing hardware on a few occasions.

@lukedashjr almost 10 year old issue... :/

FWIW I've used btrfs on hibernating laptops without issues in the past. Though not recently, as qubes doesn't play nice with hibernation.

"The other reason I have really not used Docker to for my development workflow is because of slow internet links we have in Uganda. A basic docker Image can roughly be 300-500MB and pulling that over the internet can be very painstakingly slow process on ~ 1Mbps link. So expensive data plans and slow internet connectivity keeps most African devs away from tools like Docker."

Nice reminder running into this randomly. :)

"Update 13:20pm: Craig Wright’s team has been in touch to clarify he is not asking for the network to be rendered mutable, but rather to have the stolen tokens replaced with new ones, all with a full train and under court order.

The idea, it seems, is to ensure both the thief and the victim can keep the money."


@sneak Related: as far as we know, Satoshi never used their PGP key.

@verretor I could make that sentence so much better by adding one word...

@lupyuen How do only 240 people lose their jobs when a $20 billion facility shuts down?!

@Synclair It's almost the same thing: the military can get you a free(1) college education!

1) Some terms apply.

Achievement unlocked: my Mastodon VM ran out of disk space. 😂

I really should get around to getting a colo box...

Peter Todd boosted

@pete The other posts about BSV by the same author are of the same level of disillusionment.

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