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Peter Todd boosted

Twitter is blocking posts with links to Mastodon instances. They aren't just blocking the ones run by the Mastodon project but also smaller instances.

They're even blocking, and Perhaps they automated it.

@ademan The op_return size got reduced at the last minute, making the original idea unworkable. So I moved on to other things.

@ademan I don't think one ever got written in the end.

Interesting! A full-rbf doublespend just got mined by... a miner on P2Pool!

I didn't even know P2Pool still existed. And it kinda doesn't: according to the expected time between blocks right now is 3.2 years. Looks like the last block was 2 years ago.

Seems like the particular P2Pool miner that found the block had a high minimum fee, as the block only contained the high-fee parts of the mempool:

Full-RBF Peering Bitcoin Core v24.0.1 is released.

tl;dr: this ensures you're connected to other full-rbf nodes, by advertising a FULL_RBF service bit, and connecting to four additional nodes advertising that service.

" - Russia will be punished for everything!"


(Yes I know they're all imported school buses; that's the first one I've seen where they hadn't painted over which school system it was from)

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TIL Guatemala has a _lot_ of Taco Bells.

“Thor is the God of War. Yet Thorium can't be used for nuclear weapons. It's a complete scam.” @giacomozucco

All regulations are backed up by the threat of acute lead poisoning.

Peter Todd boosted

mindblowing new discovery in Conway's Game of Life: any buildable pattern in Life can be constructed from the collision of 15 gliders.

the key principle: distance itself can be used to encode information. by determining the correct starting [x,y] coordinate for each glider, any future state of the Life universe can be created, with effectively unbounded complexity. 🤯

(via @OscarCunningham @danstowell)

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!