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Junk click bait churnalism.

As the article itself makes clear, these are trivial levels of emissions. Ranting about how they're thousands of times more warming than carbon dioxide is meaningless - we use tiny quantities of these gasses.

Seems that the covid cases stat is busted too: every single county shows 0.0 on my device.

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NPR's stats page for the Virginia election has stats for % white and covid cases / 1000. And not much else.

Also rented a scooter earlier today. which was so sketchy the seat was broken and none of the electrics worked, including the gas gauge... Unsurprisingly at one point I wound up pushing it a few hundred meters to a gas station. 😂

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TFW the music stops at the bar... because they're running it off a phone and the owner needs to make a phone call.

"work well" is now a ~35% relative risk reduction. Possibly worse in practice as vaccinated infected are less likely to realize they are infected.

So much for 95% effective. 😂

They actually store the conch in the water to keep them fresh. I ate a few earlier...

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Gee, who would have thought that risks and benefits are different for different demographics?

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