Israel's covid cases and deaths are just beginning to decline a bit, after vaccinating 54% of the population (30% two weeks ago), and after having been in strict lockdown since _September_. Israeli flu season usually peaks between December and February, and weather right now is perfect for fighting flu.

Meanwhile, Sweden's cases and deaths have been falling since late December, having had hardly any lockdown (or even voluntary measures) the whole time, and Sweden is freezing and dark right now.

Israel's test positivity rate is going up, while their testing rate is going down... Sweden's testing rate is fairly steady, and their positivity rate is going down.

Fact is, Israel's drop in cases/deaths might not even be real. I could certainly see people being in denial about the fact that they've gotten covid after getting vaccinated.

Makes you wonder how many people tested positive after getting vaccinated, and then got another test to confirm that they really were infected.

@pete I wonder if their PCR tests target the same spike protein, the mRNA vaccine generates...


@akhavr PCR tests are based on amplifying and detecting RNA, not proteins, so that shouldn't be an issue.

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