Pretty lol how low-density "red" states with much harder distribution challenges like West Virginia, Alaska, and the Dakotas are the ones doing best at actually vaccinating people. While high-density "blue" states like New York and California are way behind, even though they have every advantage. California is in 5th last place!

It's almost like red states are actually trying to solve a problem rather than milk covid forever for political gains...

@pete I'm surprised so many people are eager to get the vaccine when they can just recover without any issues or potential side affects from a vaccine. They normalized the chickenpox vaccine that actually can wear off and be more dangerous than the actual chicken pox so... I guess it shouldn't be too surprising...

@Zachary_BTC See, part of the reason why so many red states are doing better is probably *best* they've been prioritizing the elderly/at-risk for while the vaccine makes the most sense. Seniors can easily get it in Florida; in New York essential workers who are refusing it in high numbers are still prioritized.

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