
I'm getting increasingly worried that medical science is about to find a new, widespread, and terrifying cause of dementia.

Seriously though, this is a concrete example of the harms that come from fraudulent journalism. The journalists at Cointelegraph who spread this misinfo are parasites, gaining a small financial benefit for themselves at the expense of a much larger harm to society.

@pete I would have assumed a big company investing in BTC has an expert to analyze news, and not trade on tabloid headlines. They deserve to be parted from their BTC.

@JuergenStrobel FWIW I've done exactly that kind of consulting, and in that exact scenario, would probably have charged them ~$300 for a half-hour phone call to explain what the news actually meant.

Wouldn't take much price movement for that $300 phone call to be really good value for the money...

@pete wait until Schiff finds out how many atoms are in an ounce of gold. 😱

@harding @pete dsats... csats... msats... usats... I HAVE INFINITE BITCOIN 🤩

@harding Nah, gold at least has a limit to how many times you can divide it.

Well, at least, that's what the friendly radiation safety officer told me...

@pete Well there is 31.103 Grams in a Troy Oz of Gold. 31103 milligrams in a Troy Oz of Gold. 3.36x10^27 atoms per Troy Oz. Therefore gold is anything but scarce.

@pete Someone should tell him us Bitcoins hold several micrograms of gold in our smartphones too.... We be goldbugs just like him, except less stressed....

@pete if that’s real, can we write him off and move on?

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