
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States | SpringerLink

@pete is this satire or something? let's listen to a funeral director giving testimony in the most memory-holed criminal investigation committee to date on the c-subject:

@midnightmagic @pete That study “Correspondence,” it’s not even a paper, is indeed fatally flawed, you only need to look at complaint #3 on the choice to look at only a 7 day window of data.

The authors are either idiots or dishonest idiots (the combination because anyone who looks at the beginning of the paper will find that clanger and know it’s worthless; this is unfortunately very common). One should also be extremely careful with papers authored only by people from the Third World, science is simply not their thing (it’s hard enough in the cultures that came up with it).

This highlights a general problem we pro-vaxxers have today, in my experience when I drill down to the details every anti-vaxxer turns out to be lying, there have been no exceptions for months now. That I assume is because these vaccines are working exactly like you’d expect with any good vaccine (and of course we aren’t seriously considering failures like Novavax or V1.0 from Sanofi/GSK).

So if there’s something worrisome beyond what the Officials are finding in Phase IV “post-marketing” as you can only do when you’ve got large numbers compared to the no more than 23K in a Phase III study, we’ll either ignore it because they’ve been crying wolf/bloody murder for more than a year now, or there’s just so much garbage coming from them, “noise” in the signal theory sense, that any “signal” is all but impossible to find, probably even if you dedicated all your time to going through their stuff.

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