I spent a bit over a week in Italy, and got asked for a green pass (Italy's vax passport) in three types of locations: McDonald's, Starbucks, and the dining are at Rome airport.

The latter was particularly funny as you're still allowed to eat without one. You just have to stand up at tables provided for that purpose, located in tbe same area.

In all three cases the staff said _only_ green pass was accepted. _Not_ proof of vaccination from non-EU countries. Which is supposed to be accepted!


At the airport I just sat down anyway. Someone called security and I eventually convinced them to go away by showing the receipt for the antigen test I had done an hour prior (flying to Switzerland).

I probably could have convinced the security guard to let me stay with Canadian and maybe US (CDC) "proof" of vaccination. But pretty lol that the staff don't know the rules at an airport.

@pete It's a mess. The "immunity passport" from British Columbia that I've been looking at is trying to make various passports compatible.

It's a huge mess. You know, verifiable creditials and "decentralized" identities. Everyone is rolling up their own system.
@verretor @pete Good. The bigger the mess, the more opportunities for exploits.

@verretor Apparently France's scheme for recognizing foreign vaccination _requires_ you to have a return flight booked. I often show up in countries without even having accommodation booked...

@pete I did that when I went to New Zealand. I didn't know how long I would stay and where I would stay.

@verretor After all, we live in the future! You can book a hotel with an app in a few seconds.

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