@Atlas_Khan He's overweight enough he needs to worry about covid. 😂

@pete in general, never trust a fat person. Its some one who is hedonistic and undisciplined.

@Atlas_Khan For the record, I'm overweight.

And I agree with you. I'm fat because I'm lazy. I don't have any excuses.

@pete lol. Diet is more important the working out, just as a tip

Get rid of wheat and sugar and it will melt off

Fruits, vegetable, and non red meat. Rice if your looking for a cheep grain sub.

@Atlas_Khan I have personal experience with this. :) I lost weight pretty quickly with exercise, and I keep it off. But I'm lucky to have active stuff I actually like to do.

Main thing I need to do is get a job with a commute again... I was so much better when I was cycling to work every day.

That and getting out of lockdown so I can go climbing again...

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