@alex Huh, I didn't realize the Amazon was doing so well. I expected deforestation to be a bigger problem than that.
@average_random_joe @alex Acceleration could go either way. But with some management, you probably could farm that way indefinitely.
Anyway, the deforestation is mainly done by small subsistence farmers: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0743016717300992
There's no easy solution to that. Heck, I've personally heard from a field anthropologist who studied that area that decreased tribal violence is a major contributor to deforestation, because it has eliminated buffer zones between population groups.
@average_random_joe @alex The Sahara greening could really screw over the Amazon: the latter gets enormous amounts of nutrients from dust blown in from the former. More greenery will reduce dust erosion.
@average_random_joe @alex Plants have nothing to do with that problem. Which is increasingly about China anyway.
@pete @alex
But what is the good we seek? More green?
Then Africa wouldn’t have its resources stripped and stolen by privileged America anymore sounds like a good thing.