There's a _lot_ of conservative-ish Texas YouTuber's doing vids about their self-sufficient solar and generator setups... I don't think the left-wing environmentalists really thought this through. They're accidentally promoting self-sufficiency, which is both unobtainable if you're lower income, and quickly teaches you about the pragmatic realities of power production.

@pete I'm confused, what's the link between conservative-ish Texas Youtubers and left-wing environmentalists? What is the "this" the latter didn't think through?


@kekcoin Because a lot of those left-wing environmentalists are promoting a message of solar and wind being the only acceptable solutions for energy generation.

And yet, the on-the-ground reality of actually doing that leads to people getting exposed to much more right-wing ideals, because the real-world reality of that future works much better with high levels of self-sufficiency, and higher levels of income.

Poor people aren't buying generators.

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