Lol, looks like the GameStop hype is overloading retail investing: I went to buy a token amount in my RRSP account because lulz, and my bank accepted my order and then crashed claiming tech problems.


...and they're stepping in to stop people buying GameStop.

Looks like I got in just in time. πŸ˜‚

Β· Β· Web Β· 4 Β· 2 Β· 7

So they are allowed to choose sides and tell you which stocks you can buy? BS

They really are a bench of pure trash, trying to prevent plebs from dictating the rules.
"Let us rig the market like we're used to, you f**king anons !"

@pete Just tested with my German bank account: they let me buy (although only on one exchange because business hours are over I guess). Placed a generous stop-loss right after in case I'm not watching it when shit goes down, but that will be a fun ride πŸ˜… (I'll probably loose some money, but it's an interesting collective experiment)

@sebx2a @pete Lol you're only buying now ? I hope you have πŸ’Ž πŸ‘ πŸ’Ž

@Seccour @pete I didn't pay any attention to it, and I mainly wanted to try if it was blocked for me too to complain about it at my bank in that case πŸ˜† but they seem to be ok. So now it either goes up in a short squeeze and triggers a limit order or up and down or only down and it catches a trailing stop. Either way, my loss is very limited (unlike some hedge fund's ^^)

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