Last time I used Mastodon's migration tool, I lost all my followers. All it did is lock me out of my account.

If someone could help me with that, that'd be nice.

@pete I switched from to in 2018. There's a migration tool in the account options. It only linked to my new account on my old account.

@verretor @pete I think @btcdragonlord moved from Bitcoinhackers to himk yesterday. Maybe ask him, seems like he retained his follow and follower list.

@melik @verretor @pete @btcdragonlord

I've just gone through this process. First you need to add the old account as an account alias from the new account. Then from the old account follow the option under "Move to a different account"

On both accounts this is all in Preferences > Account, at the bottom of the page

All my followers have been transferred to the new account 👍

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