Should I get revolutionary on here? πŸ˜‚

I'm feeling revolutionary.

Maybe it's the high of a new social platform... or the wine... or maybe the higher character count.

@LadyAnarki With 500 characters Mastodon has almost twice the revolutionary potential.

Character count is actually a per-instance configurable setting.

Should I set mine to unlimited, and try to take over the world?

@pete Do you even have to ask?

Please grace us with your infinite wisdom.

Although your talent really does lie with one-liners... and your own server... Fancy


@LadyAnarki You know, a novel is merely one-liner after another.

Β· Β· Tusky Β· 3 Β· 1 Β· 4

@kekcoin @pete @LadyAnarki

I disagree this is good stuff I'm learning how to be romantic on crypto tooter.

@miketwenty1 @kekcoin @pete Smart move! If you have enough low time preference, you know eventually we will all have girlfriend.... and girls... we like romance... 😊

@pete @LadyAnarki Everything can be a one liner if your lines are long enough πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ just ask any developer of a JS minifier.

@sebx2a @pete πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ lazy coding... but I was spoiled by a really good architect πŸ˜‹

@pete tis true... all we ever have is the next moment 😍😈

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