- Mastodon is a federated and open version of twitter. You can use choose between multiple different competing public and private servers called instances. You can also run and use your own instance which is best practice from a trust perspective. Users can interact and 'follow' across instances.

- DMs are not encrypted so instance admins can read them.

- The bitcoinhackers instance is run by @nvk who we trust to keep it up, protect our privacy, and to not censor us.


@mattodell @nvk I mean, what specifically would he be protecting re: privacy? Other than DMs and some metadata like IP addresses, everything is public.

@mattodell @nvk I'd suggest a VPN. :)

My email is ridiculously public, so that's not an issue for me... But could be for some.

@pete The real risk is cross-instance DMs. If you trust @nvk and only DM on this instance its "private."

If I DMed you right now I have to trust your instance operator to respect "private" flags and not relay publicly last I checked.

@shinobimonkey @nvk if you DM me right now, my instance operator is me. :) @pete

@pete So I have to trust...the guy who tried to bribe me to attack Bitcoin? no thanks. 😂

@shinobimonkey Damn right. You should send him a DM on Twitter instead. 😂

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