Assume unvaxxed secondary transmission probability is 50%. Assume the partner had zero benefit from the vaccine, while the person had a 95% effectiveness.
(300*10*3/15000000)*0.5*0.05*0.5 = 7.5x10^-6 ~= 1 in 100,000 chance of the partner getting infected due to the person meeting me in person for the project.
...which is an absurdly conservative estimate, as when I would have met them, I would have just done three rounds of PCR testing. 😂
After Bitcoin Miami, I did a bit of a road trip to Austin, Texas, driving a total of 1700 miles (I took the scenic route).
At 1.2 deaths / 100 million miles, I had a 20 in 1 million chance of dying in a car crash during that road trip.
For my 18 to 49 age group, the CDC estimates 500 deaths / 1 million covid infections.
For my risk of dying from covid caught at the conference to equal that of my road trip, you'd have to assume 4% of the conference got infected. 😂
@mystik Meh, I'm not going to entertain silliness like claiming viruses don't exist.
For contagious diseases that can be spread by the type of contact that happens between doctors and patients, doctors certainly get infected by patients on occasion.
But the vast majority of actually contagious diseases are mild enough that doesn't matter: they only harm the very young, very old, and very sick. And of course, natural immunity is very real, so they aren't getting reinfected over and over.
I'm not going to go into details for the sake of their privacy. But suffice to say the project in question isn't work related, and probably has about a 1 in 100,000 chance of one of us getting killed doing it just due to the driving involved. What we're actually doing for the project is probably 1 in 10,000 or worse.