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It's no wonder Israel is trying to effectively make getting vaccinated mandatory... Anyone with a clue looking at the actual top-level stats would be skeptical.

Peter Todd boosted

Brian Rose has been fined and banned from "campaigning for mayor of London" because he went outside to campaign.

This is like saying you were "seconds away" your house being without electricity for months because a fuse blew.

Yes, if the fuses failed, permanent damage could be done. But literally every single piece of equipment on a competently designed distribution grid is protected by fuses.

The grid has got to deal with lightning storms and all kinds of shorts after all.

Peter Todd boosted
Peter Todd boosted

Your Smartphone Doesn't Have To Be Glued Shut!

The #librem5 was recently featured in a hardware tear-down video by @iFixit

#privacy #freedom

While the Texas blackouts aren't solely to blame on wind power - natural gas production has been affected too - I don't think people realize how much *worse* the situation would be if we had a grid run on renewables only.

There's no way to reliably generate power from wind and solar alone in regions that can get snow. And as we're finding out, pretty much anywhere can get cold. Backup batteries are far too expensive.

A carbonized civilization needs nuclear and hydro.

Anyone know what these alleged code-of-conduct violations by Isis Lovecruft's former boyfriend, and current Zcash employee, Henry de Valence actually were?

Valence is one of the people who knows first hand that Lovecruft fabricated assault allegations against me...

Peter Todd boosted

Great writeup on how fraudulent modern journalism has become.

tl;dr: there's not enough money to pay for real reporting, so we get fabricated SJW grievances and cancel culture. It's cheaper to falsely claim someone used the word "retard" to get them cancelled than take on the NSA (actual example in the article!).

IMO simplest way to fix this is via defamation laws. But that won't fix the funding problem: either way there's going to be a lot less mainstream journalism.

Peter Todd boosted

The domestic robot's lidar has detected evidence of a mirror universe.

Peter Todd boosted

TIL computers have become so complex that NVME interface SSDs now have drive-level namespaces:

brb, putting some data in a namespace in a namespace in a namespace in a namespace in a namespace...

Peter Todd boosted
Peter Todd boosted

Holy Sheet! AOC and the left has gone into total meltdown mode over the fact that AOC was not in the Capitol building at the time of the riots last month.

Absolutely amazing that people are getting posts deleted for the hashtag #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet.

The truth hurts, but banning that truth makes it burn hotter and brighter than if they let the embers burn out.

Peter Todd boosted

@giacomozucco that’s about legalizing a total-surveillance state.

That would mean Americans might have to use Tor to access services hosted in Russia or North Korea to have basic freedoms online.

Of course the next step is making it illegal to use Tor or access non-whitelisted websites.

Peter Todd boosted

RT @OlUkolova
What the actual fuck? 🤨

>A new Senate bill would create for internet platforms the communications equivalent of the suspicious activity reports that financial institutions must file today.

"BREAKING: Judge rules that Emmy award-winning Governor Cuomo violated the law by lying about nursing home deaths caused by his failed policies." @amuse

Emmy award winning! 😂

"[Cuomo broke the law] by only releasing the numbers of those who died in nursing homes, not those who later died in hospitals."

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