@drgo @eiaine Yup. That's why it's both accurate and inaccurate to say ADHD drugs are just meth: they all turn into basically meth. But the rate at which that happens can be controlled with the pro-drug mechanisms they use in various ways.

@pete @drgo @eiaine this is a pharmacologically ignorant take; the method of action is different with meth if it’s eaten, snorted, or smoked, with it becoming more intense and addictive increasing left to right in that list

are you a pharmacist by any chance? can you explain to me how methylphenidate turns into methamphetamine? Can you explain the differences between different amphetamines in technical terms?


@wiggles @drgo @eiaine I mean, I'm not sure that we're in disagreement... I'm saying that the actual low level receptor chemistry may be basically the same. Yet with a very different effect due to how it is being administered.

@wiggles @drgo @eiaine Adderall for example is packed in little time release beads. Just crushing those beads can change how it's absorbed quite a bit IIUC.

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